Surf therapy is method of intervention combining surf instructing and surfing and structured for individual or group activities that promote psychological, physical and psychosocial well-being. *Published in the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice.
The physical and psychological benefits of surfing are something many enthusiasts can attest to. With surf therapy you get to be in nature and in the ocean. While connecting with nature, it’s a chance to unplug. Research indicates it is particularly effective in treating anxiety and stress.
There are countless physical and psychological benefits to surfing and being in the ocean.
· Promotes self-management
· Elevates Communication
· Cultivates a positive outlook
· No medication, it’s free from side effects
· Enhances mental, psychological, and spiritual well-being
· It’s fun and enjoyable
· An alternative for those want other forms of intervention
· Cheaper than other forms of therapy and other alternatives
· It’s physically and psychologically engaging
· Increases self confidence
There are several aspects of surf therapy that make it therapeutic.
Focus-you have to maintain focus and concentrate. Negative thoughts, even for a limited time will alleviate.
Connection to your body-It’s a low impact exercise. You use all your muscles and strength. It’s a physically engaging sport. It’s a way to connect with your body, mind and spirit.
Calm-Using techniques such as conscious breathing both in and out of the water can help you stay calm.
Researchers have established that surf therapy to be effective in treating conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, depression and prevent suicidal thoughts. Research indicates it is particularly effective in treating anxiety and stress.
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or PTSD, you can join us and sign up for surf therapy today. Our program has trained surf therapists for surfing and paddle boarding that guide participants so that they can learn coping skills and understand the mental health challenges they are going through.